ALS Explained and Solved


The quest to solve the problem known as als has gone through many stages and followed many paths. As knowledge of how biological mechanisms involved in the degenerative process has been accumulated, various theories of why als happens, or what “causes als” have been floated and some of these theories of als have become the foci of research into ways of doing what is generally termed “curing als” or finding a “cure”.

While there may be some useful insight to be gained from some of this work, the neurodegenerative issues categorized als are not at their roots biologically created problems. So, while some temporary symptom relief may be achievable via the use of medical intervention, als cannot be really solved by means of some external to the system magic bullet cure. Rather, the truth is that the set of problems categorized as als is a holistically created problem, which as such requires a holistic solution.

So here I have described the holistic dynamic that underlies the creation of the types of neurodegeneration commonly labeled als, Lou Gehrig’s disease or motor neuron disease. That is followed by a description of the holistic method for solving als and healing.

Intelligence Directs Creation

To understand why als happens one first needs to understand that all creation, including this creation called als, is directed by intelligence.

It is common in western culture to talk of things as being either living or inanimate. The truth is more along the lines of a continuum. Things are more or less animate and more or less conscious or something like that. We are in a sense evolved from simpler, less animate molecular structures. They, along with dogs, mice and bacteria, could be considered our relatives. Something of the same life force that animates a person is present in an atom. An example of a cultural perspective that captures this type of conception is that of some people with Native American backgrounds who use terms such as wolf people, tree people and stone people to describe entities which are often not considered alive or directed by intelligence.

In line with the continua of animation and consciousness that exist in the universe, there are continua of behavior and creation present in a person’s life and within a person’s body. These continua include, in addition to the whole body behavior and creation with which we are most familiar, cellular behavior and creation and sub cellular, molecular or atomic behavior and creation.

So, relevant to solving health problems such as those called als is a less understood area of behavior and creation that occurs at the cellular level. Not only are there single celled organisms that behave and create, but also, even within multi celled organisms, the individual cells can be seen as little bits of a person and, as such, cells within a multi celled body manifest consciousness and behavioral choice making ability.

In other words, what cells do within a body is behavior directed by intelligence. Examples of cellular behavior include cellular communication, cell suicide and cells attacking other cells. Another example of cellular behavior is the excitation, excess glutamate production and apoptosis characteristic of als, or motor neuron disease.

The consciousness and behavioral choices of the single cells making up a multi celled body are related to the consciousness and behavioral choices of the whole multi celled being. Therefore each cell within the body of a multi celled being has behavioral characteristics somehow related to those of the entire being.

Given that cells engage in behavior, one can change what is going on with cells within a multi celled body by redirecting them. Given that cellular behavior within a multi celled being is related to the consciousness and behavior of the multi celled being, one can redirect cells and change cellular behavior by changing the ideas and behavior patterns of the multi celled being. This ability to change cellular behavior can be key in healing the bodies of multi celled beings, and has obvious applications in solving als.

To see what is going on within a person at a cellular or sub cellular level, one does not need a microscope. One just needs to observe or communicate with the person to see how that person operates. Similarly to how one can observe or communicate with a person to find out about the person’s whole body, outer behavior and creation patterns, once one understands how a person thinks and operates, one can figure out how the person acts on a cellular level. In some sense, in order to find out how a person’s cells would act in a certain situation, one could ask the person or otherwise get a sense of how the person would act in that situation. What the person would do will tend to resemble what the cells would do.

A person who tends to get angry and inflamed will tend to create inflammation at the cellular level. A person who responds by shutting down communication will experience communication breakdown at the cellular level. A person who represses will have repressed cells. A person who freaks out over things will freak out at the cellular level. A person who tends to remain calm, resolve issues and heal situations will act similarly at the cellular level..

So a person is operating on multiple levels, including macro levels such as whole body level and micro levels such as the cellular level. All the behavior and creation on all these levels works to create the situation in a person’s life. If a person is having health problems, that situation is based on the behavior and creation going on in a person’s life. To get healthier, a person need to change what is going on with behavior and creation in the person’s life.

Why ALS Happens

The health problem called als is a directed creation with aspects occurring at all levels of creation, including at the whole body level and at the cellular level.

Als manifests because of the way creation and behavior are directed by people who could be called focal people, the ones who themselves develop significant symptoms of the condition, and because of the way creation and behavior are directed by those around the focal people, the rest of us.

Here are three key themes of als creation.

One theme is that all problems with creation share the aspects of misconception, flawed approach and state of conflict.

Another key the other theme that is related to the first as it is a key aspect of many or possibly all flawed problem solving approaches, illusory relief without real resolution.

Related to those two themes is the concept of trigger response cycles. The neurodegeneration called als  can be seen as a trigger response cycle, on in which something triggers a person or the person’s nervous system and the person and the person’s nerves respond in a way that results in degeneration and triggers further degeneration.

So let’s see what people who develop als do and say, how they create of illusory relief without real resolution and how they create als.

A typical case goes like this.

A person encounters an uncomfortable situation. This discomfort being experienced could have physical, emotional, mental or spiritual aspects. Examples include traumatic child parent interactions, vaccines, ingestion of damaging substances, severe relationship related emotional trauma and military combat related trauma.

The cycle of als creation continues when, rather than dealing with the discomfort by resolving the problem, the person uses an illusory relief without real resolution method to deal with the problem.

The relief without real resolution method can have infinite forms.

For instance, one example of getting relief without real resolution is using painkillers to respond to a headache. While the reasons for the headache are still likely in place, by using painkillers, the person gets some relief without really solving things. In general, medical so called cures are relief without real resolution methods and use of medical methods to address problems, such as back pain, often precedes the onset of so called als.

A different type of relief without resolution method might be used by a child encountering a traumatic situation. The child may have no real idea of how to really solve things. So instead the child might get some relief without real resolution by retreating into himself or into fantasy, to somehow disconnect from the uncomfortable reality.

If a person is going to develop als, the person will tend to use relief without real resolution methods which involve disconnection and escape. The person may go through life continuing to used developed in childhood coping methods of disconnecting. The person may literally attempt to escape uncomfortable situations by physically leaving. This escape could be masked under the guise of working long hours or training for endurance sporting events. Maybe, to escape from emotional turmoil, the person does something internally such as repressing or becoming internally cut off. Maybe the person uses some combination of disconnection and escape strategies.

People who experience als tend to do and say things along the lines of the following, escape, let go, drop, avoid, remove myself, disconnect, repress and create communication breakdown, both in their outer lives and within their bodies. These flawed approaches are based on misconception and, rather than resolving issues, maintain a state of conflict. These flawed approaches are employed at multiple levels of the behavior and creation continua, which levels include the whole body level and the cellular level.

So people who develop als tend to use flawed approaches characterized by disconnection and escape strategies, and so do their cells. Hence the degeneration of the nervous system.

The person may also choose to try to improve situations, but still by using a sub optimal method. For instance, rather than healing a problem relationship, the person may choose to deal with the problem by overachieving as a way of connecting, gaining acceptance and somehow surviving. In making this overachievement happen, people who develop als often use stimulants or painkillers to help themselves to push to what may be perceived as a higher level of achievement.

So now the person is functioning in a way. For instance, maybe any emotional problems are repressed while some bad relationships are dealt with by overachieving to create at least some, if unhealthy, connection.

At the same time, this is not a healthy state in which to be. These coping, relief seeking methods are putting strain on the person, and the problems to which the person is responding have not been resolved.

This pattern can be repeated. The person is operating under the misconception that this pattern is working and that it is the only effective way to deal with the stresses of the world.

As the pattern is repeated, the strain increases. The person is not really resolving issues and is existing in a persistent state of conflict both with the outer world and within.

So here we have the three components of problem creation, misconception, flawed approach and state of conflict. In paragraphs 1-8 of this article, one can get some more insight into how that works.

Meanwhile, the person is creating a cellular situation somehow similar to the situation that has been created in the full body, outer world. Inter cellular connections are not healthy and there is also probably some degree of disconnection, maybe not enough to show up as symptoms of als, more a latent or less obvious degree of disconnection.

If the person has ingested some microscopically damaging substance, just as the person deals with problems by avoiding, the person’s cells may try to somehow get away from the problem substance and in doing so, create an unhealthy situation. A good example of this cellular escape pattern may be the cases of als which are triggered by spinal anesthesia. Maybe the degeneration that begins after that procedure is used is some kind of running away from the chemical or from the site of the trauma.

Key to understanding this process is realizing that while some of this behavior and creation can be consciously chosen, much of it can be unconsciously chosen. For instance a decision to avoid interacting with a particular person could be conscious. On the other hand, one could make the same decision unconsciously and be only vaguely aware of the reduction in interaction or wonder why that person had not been around lately.

In particular, the cellular disconnection and resulting degeneration is generally an unconsciously chosen process with the focal person and others often having little or no idea that this choice is being made. Their conscious perception can be and often is that they are fighting the disconnection and degeneration rather than creating it.

Maybe we are all somewhere on the als spectrum, both in terms of using escape approaches in our outer lives and in terms of some cellular disconnection happening in each of us just as cancer cells appear to some degree in people’s bodies. Indeed, each time a person slams a phone down in anger mid conversation, moves out of town to avoid interacting with certain relatives or works late to avoid problems at home, this is disconnection and could be seen as low level als type behavior.

I have noticed things in my life healing as I have worked with als focal people to help them heal. These things have included increased strength in my arms as I worked with someone whose onset was in his arms, a lessening of my tendency to use escape methods to deal with problems and improved connections with people in my life. So I guess I am moving in a healthy direction along the als spectrum myself as I work on this stuff.

In any case, at some point for some reason, whether there is a particular cellular trauma from ingested chemicals or a sports injury, or the person finally becomes overwhelmed by the building strain, some sort of tipping point is reached and the disconnection, maybe especially on the cellular level, happens to the degree that the person begins to become obviously dysfunctional. The neurons in the person’s body begin to disconnect from each other and from the surrounding helper cells to a significant degree and the system begins to seriously degenerate.

Now the person has begun to develop what is called als, although the development has actually been in the making for a while. Maybe this condition could be called full blown als.

If the person keeps operating in the same ways, the cycle continues. The strain continues or even increases as the als symptoms become apparent and add a new stress factor, and the person’s continued use of the same pattern of response just creates more degeneration.

To be clear, what is going on with a person who develops als is happening on multiple levels simultaneously and the simultaneous developments work together to create the situation. For instance the person is disconnecting from outer problems and meanwhile the person is disconnecting cells within the body. These inner and outer developments can work together in that the degeneration resulting from the cellular disconnection can be the mechanism or apparent reason for the outer disconnection. For example, the cellular degeneration can make communication challenging. This difficulty with communication can then serve as a reason to discontinue outer communication and disconnect. Or if the person wanted to escape a particular situation, such as a stressful occupation, the loss of function apparently caused by the cellular degeneration can serve as the perceived reason for doing so.

This brings up another aspect of the progression. There is often a great degree of consciously or unconsciously perceived benefit of the condition. This benefit can include escaping a job, changing lifestyle or having a handy excuse for avoiding certain types of interactions.

At the same time there is clearly a state of conflict. Even as a person is, maybe unconsciously, disconnecting, the person may consciously attempt to stay connected, using technological aids and medication to do so. Ironically, the degeneration can also be a means of connecting. In these cases, where once the person connected by overachieving, now the person connects by being weak. Again, use of a flawed strategy creates a somewhat functional and at the same time very uncomfortable situation.

One some level, the development of full blown als could even be seen as a person’s way of attempting to completely escape life.

What this brings up is that als is both consequential and intentional. It is consequential in that the neurodegeneration happens as a result of people making certain choices. It is intentional in that being sick itself is a choice, a response to issues.

The responses of others around the focal person also play a part in many ways. For one thing, even if others around the focal person suspect that the lifestyle of the focal person has contributed to the creation of the condition, they may not say so because they too get caught up in the escape from pain pattern. In other words, the focal person may be surrounded by people who are falling into using approaches to deal with discomfort which are similar to the approaches used by the focal person. Those around the focal person may say things along the lines of “It would just cause him too much pain to suggest that he has brought this on himself in a way.”

So here is another way misconception plays a part in als. People around the focal person may feel that they have to protect the focal person from pain. It’s the whole escape and avoid thing just spreading.

Another way als is misconceived is that genes are causing the whole thing anyway. So others around the focal person may decide that bringing up the overachieving lifestyle or the escaping or emotional repressing patterns is not going to make any difference.

So the nerve health syndrome commonly called als, or motor neuron disease, is a creation that in a way centers on the focal person and is created by the focal person in concert with others based on their conceptions and as a result of their approaches to life.

How To Solve ALS And Heal (aka How To Cure ALS)

Given the holistic nature of the creation of als, a holistic approach is necessary for solving the problem. So rather than using a magic bullet type cure for als that would somehow attempt to block a mechanism or multiple mechanisms involved in the neurodegeneration process, the way to solve als and heal the situation is for the focal person and others to change their conceptions and approaches.

For this to be achieved, one does not have to work with every person in the universe or to somehow microscopically work with every cell or atom within the focal person. The only thing that has to happen is for one person in the universe to change and all else, which radiates out from that person, will change.

If one person’s conception changes, this change affects the entire situation.

The most convenient person to focus on changing in the case of als is generally the focal person. It is not necessary for the focal person to be actively involved. If, for instance someone close to the focal person were to go through the healing process and change approaches and conception, the focal person would heal in sympathy with that other person.

So, note, in some sense, what I am doing when I contact people about als is enlisting them in helping me heal the world and giving them some awareness of how to do that, with healing their als problem being somewhat of a focus task. I could just contact someone and say I want your help in healing the world and I will show you how to help. I just have to start somewhere and als is a real drag and people who have developed als generally are at the point of admitting there is a problem and saying they want to solve it. So I figure let’s get those als ridden sectors of the universe a little better off and we will have done some good all around. It’s also a little easier for me to wrap my mind around the project that way and to make it work, and maybe easier for others as well, at least for now.

In any case, for the problem to be solved, the people involved have to change their ideas and approaches. The reason I say people rather than person is that the creation arises out of a group dynamic in multiple ways.

For instance, disconnecting to get relief, while not a good strategy, is a commonly used approach. Many people believe in disconnecting, so someone doing it may be encouraged to do so by others around that person. You know how it goes. A person complains about something or someone and the people around the complaining person say something like “You need to get away from that person.” Even Alcoholics Anonymous has a bit of that going on. The idea that one should solve problems by disconnecting from others is a sad one and bad approach and just believing that that is the way to go through life is enough to keep someone drinking or worse.

The group dynamic contributes to the creation of als in other ways including the group think “als is nobody’s fault” thing that is out there, the genetic misconception of its creation, the coddling of and other non healing approaches used by others in dealing with the people who develop als and even the stressful, workaholic, caffeine driven cultural ideas that contribute to fueling the creation of the disease.

Finally, among people involved in the creation of the condition, there is a lot more unconsciously chosen activity contributing to the development of the disease than meets the untrained eye. This includes passive aggressive intent on the part of the focal person and others and many unhealthy relationship type of dynamics which are maybe the most challenging part of the scene to deal with.

In any case, to solve als and heal the thing to do is change conception, improve approaches and resolve conflict.

I tend to work with the focal person to get that person to do all of that so I guess I will describe the process from that angle here.

The change in conception is multifaceted and includes changing one’s overall conception of reality and one’s conception of als specifically.

The change in overall conception of reality includes getting to the point where one has a positive view of life wherein problems can indeed be resolved as opposed to falling for the “people never change” or “some people are just bad” or “some problems just can’t be solved” type of thing.

The change in conception of als specifically is to get to the point where one’s conception includes the following. The condition is perceived as a logical outcome of creative forces and factors. Genes or other biological components of the creation of the disease are seen as parts of the creative process or mechanisms of the creative process rather than central causes of the condition. Als related emotional experiences, such as emotional lability, are seen as logical developments given how the disease is created rather than as symptoms of a disease. Als becomes redefined from a seemingly random attack on the nervous system to a situation created by life choices.

The change in approach is something like this. Essentially the focal person has to change the patterns of creation being used in that person’s life. Rather than responding by getting angry, doing something like disconnecting or escaping or doing something to make unhealthy connections such as achieving to connect, the person learns to respond in ways that actually heal.

Given that als is basically a trigger response cycle, one can see the process of solving als as being two sided, one side involving reducing triggers, the other side involving changing responses.

The process works like this. First the person is guided to learn what types of responses heal situations. The person begins to become more self aware and a contrast between the non healing responses that the person has been using and responses that really heal begins to emerge. The person begins to learn to consciously choose to resolve and heal situations rather than to escape or disconnect.

This initial phase of change creates the following situation. The person now has a basic idea of how to heal situations and is applying that idea, which application starts to heal the person’s life situation. The created benefits include reduced strain and a better overall quality of life. In addition, as the person learns to operate differently at the full body level, the person also begins to operate differently at the cellular level. So what is happening at the cellular level becomes healthier and the als degeneration begins to slow.

Changing to this resolving mode will enable the focal person to straighten out that person’s life in all areas.

Stress of relationships with others will be relieved as conflicts are resolved.

The stress of achieving as a way of interacting to get approval will be relieved.

Inner conflicts will be resolved and inner stress will be relieved.

Repressed emotional conglomerates will be processed.

The outcome of using conflict resolution to heal creation will mean that there will be fewer wars of any type in the person’s life. Wars between man and man and between man and other creatures such as so called pests are traumatic in many ways. So by living differently one will reduce the trauma one experiences. Other types of problems will be truly resolved to create a healthier situation.

The change in approach therefore changes the cycle of als creation and reverses the stress and trauma creation pattern that triggers the breakdown. The additional beauty of this is that as the person changes ideas and approaches, so changes the micro, cellular behavior and creation, so that not only is there less reason to fall apart as the person is experiencing less stress and trauma, but also, even on a cellular level, falling apart, disconnecting or escaping is no longer the chosen response to stress, trauma or other discomfort. Even on a cellular level, the chosen response style becomes staying connected and getting things resolved or otherwise straightened out..

As mentioned, the als degeneration process can be seen as a trigger response cycle and at the cellular level this changing of approaches could be seen as changing the response side of the trigger response cycle. One could take the view that changing approaches also changes the trigger side. At the same time, it can be more practical to separate the trigger response cycle into two sides, trigger and response. With this view in mind, the healing process can be seen as using mind body methods to change cellular responses while at the same time one reduces triggers that may be triggering the neurodegenerative response.

So for instance, while a person is using mind body approaches to change the cellular responses, the person would look for and reduce possible triggering factors by doing such things as choosing foods with minimal pesticide presence, taking various measures to reduce the presence of known triggering substances in the body, i.e. “detoxing”, and reducing the use of products, such as deodorant soaps, or methods, such as vaccinations, which could be somehow involved in triggering neurodegeneration. So this way the person is actively working to change both sides of trigger response cycles.

Once the person has gained a general idea of how to determine if an approach is really an effective healing approach, the person goes on to apply this type of approach more widely.

An important aspect of applying the new, more healing, approach type more widely involves finding and dealing with misconceptions, flawed approaches and conflicts that are present in the person’s unconscious. In dealing with the unconscious patterns, in addition to having to change approaches and choices that are flawed, one encounters the challenge of actually discovering what these strategies and choices even are. In order to do this discovery, one can use meditation or other methods which enable one to become more self aware and to make the unconscious conscious.

So, application of the healing approaches involves the person going over the person’s life to see where approaches need to be adjusted to become more the new type of approach.

For instance, one person I have worked with had been physically beaten as a child. After looking over his situation we decided that as a response to that experience, this person is probably unconsciously using als degeneration to weaken his arms, both possibly to passive aggressively punish the person who had punished him and to keep himself from punishing others that way. So we went over the idea of resolving things with the person with whom he had had the bad experience and the idea of resolving things within himself rather than weakening to deal with the problem.

This person is also trying to reconnect with others in his family, with whom he had some problems in the past. So by unconsciously using als degeneration to weaken himself and seem less of a threat, he is enabling some sort of reconciliation. Obviously this method could use some improvement.

This person made a very telling statement to me. To deal with a problem involving a group of people, he suggested that maybe he would say something to all involved and then leave the room. That is what his als is as well, a way of stating and leaving.

I guess that is pretty much it. People who develop als do it by consciously and unconsciously choosing to disconnect, escape and weaken. In at least one or two cases, I also sensed that the person maybe felt that he deserved the state of imprisonment that he was slowly getting into. Maybe that is common as well. In addition many seem to be following some kind of martyr idea with Christianity and crucifixion being themes very popular among people who develop als. Look how much the development of als looks like crucifixion, immobile limbs and death by suffocation.

If you have looked at anorexia you are aware of how a person can get into it, partly following images, partly for attention, partly due to control issues, partly self hatred, a bit differently in each case. Als develops much the same way, the key difference being that most people are not aware that the creation of als is intentional and consequential rather than random.

Solving als, aka healing from als naturally or curing als, therefore entails getting the people involved in the creation of the situation to change their approaches to creating and their responses to discomfort.

Concluding Thoughts

I left out some details such as the fact that drinking Mountain Dew seems to be a popular way for people who develop als to get the caffeine high to run themselves to death. At the same time, this discussion, along with some of the details on the website,, does pretty well cover how als is created and how it can be solved.

Who is responsible for the creation of als? In addition to being created by people who decide to escape and disconnect, it is created by people who make and market coffee, painkillers and caffeine laden soda, people who “discipline” their kids, people who make life at home miserable, people who glorify escape, people who make guns and other weapons, people who declare war, people who recruit soldiers, people who own stock in pharmaceutical companies, people who get off on control both as patients and as caregivers, people who advocate retribution, people who manufacture and use pesticides, people who worship images of martyrdom, people who market caller id as a method for dealing with bad dates and people who dole out conditional love.

Essentially we all work together to create als, and by working together we can solve als and make it a memory.

Please feel free to let me know of any further information or clarification you could use or to argue this out with me and deal with conflicts between your perspective and mine or to deal with inconsistencies in what I have said.